What is Worship?
As Lutherans, worship is at the heart of what we do. Each week we gather around God's Word and the Sacraments to be refreshed, forgiven, and renewed. Sunday worship can be broken down into two main pieces: receiving God's gifts and responding in thankfulness. In the worship service we receive forgiveness and are reminded of God's love for us. In response to this amazing grace we sing praise and leave empowered to share those gifts with our neighbor.

Modern praise with liturgical backing

Historic liturgy led by organ

Forgiveness offered through the Lord's Supper every week
Diversity in Worship
Sunday worship at St. Peter begins at 10am with a blended traditional and contemporary service. This time is meant to be relaxed with band-led praise songs, hymns and an added liturgical structure. We work to offer diverse worship that encourage the presentation, distribution, and reception of God’s life-giving gifts in Word and Sacrament. We celebrate the Lord's Supper every week during service. While we are still searching for a full-time pastor, we have decided to go down to a single service. Our Sunday School classes will begin at 9am.

You are welcome to come check us out any Sunday to see how we worship. If you have questions, feel free to reach out!